N. uch. Eternity's Yndra 
Born October 10th 2008

Hips: A-A, Elbows: A 
Eyes: Clear  



Yndra got her last CAC at NKK International show 2nd of June 2012 in Drammen

Her title is now
N.uch. Eternity's Yndra  


Se Yndra's valper - See the page with Yndra's puppies

Import from Kennel Eternity, Sweden

Yndra 25th of April 2010  






June-02-2012 Norsk Kennel Klub, Drammen Normann Deschuymere, Belgium CAC - 3rd bitch - NORWEGIAN SHOW   CHAMPION!
May-05-2012 Norsk Kennel Klub, Lillesand Benny Blid von Schedvin, Sweden res. CAC - 4th bitch
Sept-26-2010 BSBK Hordaland,
Kitty Sjong, Denmark res. CAC - 3. bitch  
Sept-25-2010 NBFK avd. Hordaland Kris Malinowski, United Kingdom res. CAC - 4. bitch  
August-29-2010 Norsk Bearded Collie Club Gert Christensen, Denmark CAC - BOS
August-28-2010 Trondheim Selskapshundklubb Norman Deschuymere, Belgium CAC - BOB
June-25-2010 Danish Special Club for Belgian Shepherds Cath Bond,
United Kingdom
Excellent - 2  
June-25-2010 Dog World Show, Denmark Gert Chrstensen, Denmark Excellent - 3  
April-25-2010 Norsk Dobermann Klubb Ulf Bråthen, Norway CAC - 2.best bitch  
Febr-20-2010  Norsk Kennel Klub,
Kitty Sjong, Denmark 1 JK - 1 JKK - res.CAC - 4 BTK


Hemsedal 2009 


April 2009


Yndra and Yagah April 2009


March 2009 


February 2009 - Snow is fun - playing with Leda


22nd of January 




WW-08 SV-08 Emmabourne


Rival De La Fureur Du Crepuscule

If Du Crepuscule Des Loups

Newty De La Fureur Du Crepuscule

Emmabourne Bright Spark
Jason De La Douce Plaine

Emmabourne Omen

Eternity's Qarismah


KORAD IntCh NordCh SwCh NwCh DkCh SW-96 SW-97 NordW-96 KBHW-99 R.A. Eternity´s Gilthanas
A-te-Ells Monsieur Bacchus

Vaquitas Alice of Eternity

Korad NordW 99 SW01 NW00 Hexen House Eternityh Hexen House Ughor

Tchai van de Hoge Laer